X. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
Didaktika in metodika poučevanja 2024
21. 11. 2024
8.00 - 20.30
Vabljeni govorci

Kali Fedor
WoW - Women of Wunderkind, USA
Web: https://www.wow-gifted.com
Dr. Kali Fedor has been teaching for more than 20 years. She is an Assistant Professor at the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania teaching pre-service undergraduate and graduate education students. She is the Chair of NAGC’s Public Policy & Advocacy Committee and also serves as the Chair-Elect for the Parent Family and Community Network. She is a past president of the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education. Kali has worked in various regular and special education K-12 positions in Maryland, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. She holds a dual bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Special Education, a Secondary Certification in Severe and Profound Education, two Master’s degrees in Early Childhood Education and Educational Administration and Leadership, and a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction. She is an international presenter on advocacy, gifted education, twice-exceptionality, social and emotional learning, and differentiation.

Ciminy St. Clair
WoW - Women of Wunderkind, USA
Web: https://www.wow-gifted.com
Dr. Ciminy St. Clair earned her bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from Penn State University. In Virginia, she taught first grade before moving to Norwin School District where she has been in the gifted department for over 17 years. She has served as the K-4 and secondary gifted coordinators, taught 5th Grade Social and 6th Grade Global Studies, and served as a case manager in various grade levels 5-12. She holds her master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, a Gifted Endorsement, and her doctorate in Educational Leadership. She is the immediate past president of the Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education and a director for SENG. She is an international presenter on topics including gifted advocacy, twice-exceptionality, and equality.

Dr. Ljupčo Kevereski
Professor of Psychology, St.Kliment Ohridski, Faculty of Education, Bitola, Severna Makedonija
Web: pfbt.uklo.edu.mk