I. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
Izobraževanje v prihodnosti 2023
22. - 23. 8. 2023
9.00 - 17.00
Vabljeni govorci

Dr. Richard Cash
Educator, Author, Consultant, nRich Consulting, Minneapolis, USA
Web: nRich Consulting
Dr. Richard M. Cash is an award-winning educator and author best known for his work in differentiation and advanced learners. His range of experience includes teaching, curriculum coordination, and program administration. Currently, he is a widely respected education consultant with nRich Educational Consulting, Inc. His consulting work has taken him throughout the United States, and internationally.
Richard holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership, a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, a bachelor’s degree in Education, and a bachelor’s degree in Theater.
His areas of expertise are educational programming, rigorous and challenging curriculum design, differentiated instruction, 21st century skills, brain-compatible classrooms, gifted & talented education, and self-regulated learning. Dr. Cash authored the books Advancing Differentiation: Thinking and Learning for the 21st Century; Differentiation for Gifted Learners: Going Beyond the Basics (co-author Diane Heacox); and Self-Regulation in the Classroom: Helping Students Learn How to Learn.

Frum van Egmond
Avtorica De Noordwijkse Methode, Nizozemska
Web: www.noordwijksemethode.nl
Metoda Noordwijk ponuja alternativo tradicionalnim metodam, kjer je optimalna svoboda učenca v jasni poučevalni strukturi.
Značilnosti metode:
- Ponuja optimalno svobodo pri učenju, učitelj pa ima še vedno pregled nad strukturo;
- Deluje neposredno iz osnovnih ciljev, zato učitelj natančno ve kako učenci sodelujejo;
- Spodbuja učence na splošnem intelektualnem področju ter spodbuja razvoj različnih kompetenc;
- Spodbuja kritično mišljenje, oblikovanje in odkrivanje učenja, znanstvenega in ustvarjalnega mišljenja,
- Spodbuja razvoj otrokovih potencialov in talentov.

prof. dr. Wendy A. Behrens
Minnesota Department of Education, USA
Web: https://education.mn.gov/MDE/index.htm
Wendy Behrens is an author and the Gifted and Talented Education Specialist for the Minnesota Department of Education. She also serves as Project Director for Project North Star, a 2015 Jacob K. Javits Grant awarded to the Minnesota Department of Education. Behrens presents frequently on the nature and needs of gifted learners, instructional strategies, comprehensive service design, and policies that support highly able learners. She has been an invited speaker in the United States, Middle East, Far East, and Europe. She is President of the Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted and received the President’s award from the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) in 2013. She is an elected U.S. delegate to the World Council on Gifted, and a member of NAGC Policy Task Force and advisory councils for the Center for Talent Development and The Grayson School.

Catherine Reid
School of Education, University of Glasgow, UK
Web: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/education/
Catherine Reid, Lecturer in Teacher Education, University of Glasgow (MEd Inclusive Education, 2019). Catherine has 23 years secondary teaching experience prior to coming to study and work at the University of Glasgow. Catherine is an English teacher and teacher of support for learning. She teaches on Masters programmes and undergraduate programmes within the University. Her research interests are around highly able learners in areas of deprivation and widening participation into universities and this work forms the basis of her PhD thesis.

asist. mag. Maruška Željeznov Seničar
MIB d.o.o., MIB EDU, Slovenia
Web: https://www.mib.si
Asist. mag. Maruška Željeznov Seničar is an expert and Ph. D student in pedagogy (general and gifted education). She was geography teacher in basic education and the editor in Slovenian publishing house. At that time she worked as assistant editor of Contemporary Pedagogy – scientific paper published by University of Ljubljana. Between 2005-2008 she was elected for assistant for school pedagogy and school counseling at Department of pedagogy and andragogy, Faculty of arts, University of Ljubljana. Currently she is leading MiB International Education Center and Institute ZVIS, which is organizer of educational and scientific conferences in field of pedagogy and gifted education and is partner in many local and international projects in field of teacher training and child development. She was presenter at Gifted education conference in Chech Republic Academy of Science (Prague, 2015) and ECHA 2016 conference (Vienna, 2016), Conference Talents (Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic) and in educational courses for Slovenian kindergartens and primary schools. She is also ECHA (European Council for High Ability) national correspondent for Slovenia. Currently she is developing new methodology for developing of giftedness in the early years (Erasmus+ project Talent Education).