V. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
zaposlenih v vzgoji in izobraževanju
Promocija zdravja v vzgoji in izobraževanju
18. 5. 2020
13.00 - 21.00
Vabljeni govorci

Miona Majstorovic Lemaitre
Out of Blue
Miona Majstorovic Lemaitre, French Language Teacher, English/French Translator/Interpreter (University of Belgrade), got Master degree in Marketing and Communication at Parisian University Sorbonne Nouvelle and Business School ESCP Europe, one of the top 5 French “grandes écoles“. After short career as Foreign Language Teacher, Office Assistant and Translator/interpretor, Miona has acquired 10 years long experience in all Marketing and Communication activities with focus on retail sector and innovation (co-creation).
Deeply interested in Socio-Emotional Needs of Gifted since 2014. she created French-Balkan Association Out of Blue in 2018. and GiftedLab, starting this way an active and professional engagement in regard to this subject of her great interest. GiftedLab promotes innovative methods and best practices from the world and help their implementation in the Balkans. GiftedLab is also a “laboratory“ of collaboration and network creation with organisations having similar cause. Therefore, GiftedLab ’s baseline is: “Develop Your Inner Talents!“ aiming at discovering inner gifts of children and adults According to this goal, Miona has become certified SENG SMPG Facilitator and has educated herself about many other methods useful for developping human potential. She has translated SENG SMPG Manual for parents into Serbian (A Parents Guide for Gifted Children by dr James T. Webb, Publisher Psihopolis) and is also writing a book that focuses on socio-emotional needs of gifted adults and children that summarizes her findings on the subject.

Nikolina Iljkić
I Katolička osnovna škola u Gradu Zagrebu
Završila sam Učiteljsku akademiju. Nakon završenog fakultet pripravnički staž odradila sam u Osnovnoj školi Sesvetska Sopnica. Četiri godine radim kao učiteljica u Prvoj katoličkoj osnovnoj školi u Gradu Zagrebu, od toga dvije godine u produženom boravku te dvije godine u nastavi. Trenutno podučavam u prvom razredu.