I. strokovna mednarodna strokovna konferenca
o didatktiki in metodiki
(Slovenija, Hrvaška, Nizozemska, Turčija)
za učitelje v osnovnih in srednjih šolah z naslovom
26. 11. 2015
(8.30 – 17.00)
Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na prvi mednarodni konferenci o didaktiki in metodiki v osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Integracija in inkluzija narekujeta večjo usposobljenost učiteljev za delo z učenci s posebnimi potrebami, učnimi težavami in nadarjenimi učenci. Na konferenci bodo predstavljeni različni prispevki iz prakse, ki prispevajo k učinkovitejšemu pouku in s tem aktivnejši vlogi učenca v vzgojno izobraževalnem procesu.
Vabljena govorca

Drs. Eleonoor van Gerven
Drs. Eleonoor van Gerven started out in the early eighties as a kindergarden teacher. In those years, she also studied history and philosophy of education. She worked for five years as a researcher at the Radbout University Nijmegen. In 1995 she started a private teacher training and counselling institute. Ever since she has been Director of ‘Slim! Educatief’, which is an institute specializing in post graduate training courses (post bachelor & post master) on educating the gifted. Each year more than 400 students subscribe to these training courses.
Eleonoor van Gerven developed the competence matrix that is being used on different teacher trainings for educating the gifted. She developed software to support teachers identifying and responding to the educational needs of their gifted students. This software is being used in 30 % of all Dutch schools. As a pedagogue, she’s written several books on educating the gifted. Her most recent books are on educating gifted children in the early years (age group 4-6),on educating gifted underachievers, on developing curriculum for gifted learners(4-12 year olds) and on response to intervention strategies for profiling educational needs of gifted students and their teachers.
Web: www.slimeducatief.nl