IV. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
o didaktiki in metodiki
Strukturni dejavniki pouka
22. 11. 2018
8.00 - 17.00
Mednarodna konferenca je namenjena izmenjavi dobrih praks in raziskav s področja didaktike in metodike. Tokratna konferenca se osredotoča na vlogo učitelja in njegovo polje delovanja, aktivno vloga učenca pri pouku, komunikacijo in interakcijo pri pouku, učno vsebina in učne cilje.
Vabljeni govorci

prof. Hans van Elten
Vaassen, Nizozemska
After obtaining a MSc in Education, prof. H.C. (Hans) van Elten started working as a principal and head teacher in a Dutch school for Indonesian children. After four years he moved to Ethiopia to work as an education officer on three sugar estates.
From 1974-1996 he was the principal of a Dutch school for kindergarten and primary education. There, he introduced the Dalton system and developed special programs and facilities for young gifted and talented children from age 4 and up.
After finishing his study as a Specialist in Educating the Gifted (ECHA) in 1996, he started on a free lance basis to counsel and guide gifted children and adults with severe social and emotional problems.
In April 2018 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine conferred him the title of Honorary Professor of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University.

Eva Knechtelsdorfer
TIBI Institute, KPH Wien/Krems, Universität Wien, Dunaj, Avstrija
Web: www.institut-tibi.at
Eva Knechtelsdorfer is a teacher for highly gifted children in Vienna and works as a reasearcher at the Talent Center TIBI. She has worked on multilingual education and potential development in language classrooms. Her research interests are language teaching, English as a lingua franca and teaching methods in the context of potential development. She is currently working on aspects of formative assessment in the English language classroom.