XV. mednarodna strokovna konferenca
učiteljev v podaljšanem bivanju
Varno in spodbudno učno okolje v OPB
19. 8. 2021
8.00 - 17.00

Dr. Melissa Peterson Malen
AxyLu Academic Coaching, St. Paul, ZDA
Web: www.axylu-academics.com
Melissa Peterson Malen, PhD, is the owner of AxyLu Academic Coaching, LLC. She specializes in coaching students and adults who experience performance challenges in the areas of executive function and self-regulation. Dr. Malen coaches clients that have ADHD, dyslexia, nonverbal learning disability, or are twice exceptional. Melissa earned an MA in counseling psychology and a PhD in education. Dr. Malen has researched the experience of parents of students with ADHD and is developing programs targeted at improving student underachievement.